Fracture behavior of a one-step quenching and partitioning steel characterized using uniaxial tension and double edge-notched tension

Dezhen Yang, Zhiping Xiong*

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Research output: Contribution to journalConference articlepeer-review


The fracture behavior was characterized using uniaxial tension and double edge notched tension (DENT) in a one-step quenching and partitioning steel. This steel consisted of lamellar matrix (tempered martensite and bainitic ferrite lath) together with dispersed blocky and film RA/M (retained austenite and/or fresh martensite). Lamellar structure promoted trans-lath fracture; whereas, blocky RA/M island contributed to ductile fracture in uniaxial tension but induced brittle fracture in DENT test because a higher stress triaxiality in the latter enhanced the rate of martensite transformation and in turn boosted early crack nucleation and propagation.

Original languageEnglish
Article number12023
JournalJournal of Physics: Conference Series
Issue number1
Publication statusPublished - 2 Nov 2020
Event2020 International Conference on Advanced Materials and Intelligent Manufacturing and Advanced Steel for Automotive Seminar, ICAMIM 2020 - Guilin, China
Duration: 21 Aug 202023 Aug 2020


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Yang, D., & Xiong, Z. (2020). Fracture behavior of a one-step quenching and partitioning steel characterized using uniaxial tension and double edge-notched tension. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 1653(1), Article 12023.