Flight and interaction control of an innovative ducted fan aerial manipulator

Yibo Zhang, Bin Xu*, Changle Xiang, Wei Fan, Tianfu Ai

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8 Citations (Scopus)


An innovative aerial manipulator with ducted fans is proposed to achieve side-on aerial manipulation tasks in a confined environment, such as canopy sampling in dense forests. The dynamic model of the novel design is studied, and on this basis a composite controller is proposed to address the challenges of arm extension and physical interaction during the manipulation process. An adaptive controller is proposed for the aerial platform to achieve good stability and tracking performance under the manipulator motion, and an impedance controller is designed for the manipulator to ensure compliance and stability during physical contact. The experimental tests validate the effectiveness of the proposed prototype structure and controller design.

Original languageEnglish
Article number3019
Issue number11
Publication statusPublished - 1 Jun 2020


  • Adaptive control
  • Aerial manipulator
  • Ducted fan
  • Impedance control


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