Flexible GaN microwire-based piezotronic sensory memory device

Qilin Hua, Junlu Sun, Haitao Liu, Xiao Cui, Keyu Ji, Wenbin Guo, Caofeng Pan*, Weiguo Hu*, Zhong Lin Wang*

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23 Citations (Scopus)


Skin-inspired electronic devices that can store and retain impressions of sensory information after the removal of external stimuli are showing great significance for artificial sensory systems. Here, a single GaN microwire-based piezotronic sensory memory device (SMD) is presented to sense and memorize the impressions of tactile information. The SMD is capable to be programmed into a high resistance state by inputting external strain, and reversibly erased back to the low resistance state with an electrical voltage. Due to the piezotronic effect, the piezo-potential induced by compressive strain would cause the dissolution/redistribution of conductive channels of nitrogen vacancies in the bamboo-shaped GaN microwire. Furthermore, the SMD array demonstrates a distinct spatial mapping of external strain sensing and retaining with the operations of strain program and electrical erase. The single micro/nanowire-based sensory memory device will have great applications in the field of tactile sensation, touchable haptic technologies, and bio-realistic artificial intelligence systems.

Original languageEnglish
Article number105312
JournalNano Energy
Publication statusPublished - Dec 2020
Externally publishedYes


  • Artificial intelligence
  • GaN
  • Micro/nanowire
  • Piezotronics
  • Sensory memory


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Hua, Q., Sun, J., Liu, H., Cui, X., Ji, K., Guo, W., Pan, C., Hu, W., & Wang, Z. L. (2020). Flexible GaN microwire-based piezotronic sensory memory device. Nano Energy, 78, Article 105312. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.nanoen.2020.105312