Finite time control of hypersonic aircraft considering execution faults

Xu Changji, Guo Jie*

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1 Citation (Scopus)


Aiming at the problems of external interference and actuator failure in the control plane of elastic hypersonic aircraft, in order to achieve the limited time convergence of the control problem of elastic aircraft, a fast-tracking controller is proposed, which adopts a preset performance control scheme for speed and altitude to improve the control performance. In the study of the controller, preset transient and steady-state tracking error bounds are provided to limit overshoot and improve control performance. In addition, to estimate the total perturbation, a sliding mode observer is introduced. Meanwhile, the fourth-order system is decomposed in the reverse design of height tracking and the controller is designed in steps as a way to avoid the higher-order operation of the virtual controller. In order to achieve finite time convergence of the control system, the author introduces the non-singular fast terminal sliding mode technology and homogeneity method are introduced to design the control law, which ensures that the speed and height tracking error converge in a limited time. Finally, the simulation experiments are carried out using the hypersonic vehicle model, and the simulation results verify the effectiveness of the controller.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)76-87
Number of pages12
JournalAerospace Technology
Issue number6
Publication statusPublished - Dec 2023


  • execution fault
  • homogeneity method
  • hypersonic flight vehicle
  • preset performance control
  • state observer
  • terminal sliding mode


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Changji, X., & Jie, G. (2023). Finite time control of hypersonic aircraft considering execution faults. Aerospace Technology, 2023(6), 76-87.