Extended multiple aperture mapdrift-based doppler parameter estimation and compensation for very-high-squint airborne SAR imaging

Zhichao Zhou, Yinghe Li, Yan Wang*, Linghao Li, Tao Zeng

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2 Citations (Scopus)


Doppler parameter estimation and compensation (DPEC) is an important technique for airborne SAR imaging due to the unpredictable disturbance of real aircraft trajectory. Traditional DPEC methods can be only applied for broadside, small-or medium-squint geometries, as they at most consider the spatial variance of the second-order Doppler phase. To implement the DPEC in very-high-squint geometries, we propose an extended multiple aperture mapdrift (EMAM) method in this paper for better accuracy. This advantage is achieved by further estimating and compensating the spatial variation of the third-order Doppler phase, i.e., the derivative of the Doppler rate. The main procedures of the EMAM, including the steps of sub-view image generation, sliding-window-based cross-correlation, and image-offset-based Doppler parameter estimation, are derived in detail, followed by the analyses for the EMAM performance. The presented approach is evaluated by both computer simulations and real airborne data.

Original languageEnglish
Article number213
Issue number1
Publication statusPublished - 1 Jan 2019


  • Doppler parameter estimation and compensation (DPEC)
  • Extended multiple aperture mapdrift (EMAM)
  • Spatial variance
  • The derivative of the Doppler rate
  • Very-high-squint airborne SAR imaging


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Zhou, Z., Li, Y., Wang, Y., Li, L., & Zeng, T. (2019). Extended multiple aperture mapdrift-based doppler parameter estimation and compensation for very-high-squint airborne SAR imaging. Sensors, 19(1), Article 213. https://doi.org/10.3390/s19010213