Experiments and numerical simulations of microelectronic devices subjected to multipoint impact loading

Xi huang Zhang, Jin zhu Li*, Feng Qin, Lin Wang

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5 Citations (Scopus)


Microelectronic devices in projectiles are usually fixed with multiple solder joints or screws. When the overall structure is subjected to an impact load, the devices will suffer multi-point impact at the connection points. This paper proposes a multi-point impact loading technique to simulate the loading environment of microelectronic devices in transient impact processes such as projectile perforation and penetration. In the experiment, a sleeve with convex plates was fixedly connected to the end of a bar. The impact of a striker on the bar produced an incident stress wave, which was transmitted into the convex plates to realize multi-point impact loading. The magnitude of the stress wave's amplitude transmitted into the convex plate was obtained through theoretical analysis. Then two-point and four-point impact loading tests were performed on specific microelectronic devices. The experimental results show that the microelectronic devices are more likely to be damaged under two-point impact loading. Furthermore, the multi-point impact loading tests were simulated by LS-DYNA software. The mechanical response and damage mechanism of the microelectronic devices were analyzed. The results indicate that the two-point impact loading cause larger deflections of the ceramic plates, making the microelectronic devices prone to damage. This novel loading and analysis method can be used for impact damage analysis of other electronic components as well.

Original languageEnglish
Article number114408
JournalMicroelectronics Reliability
Publication statusPublished - Dec 2021


  • Impact resistance
  • JH-2model
  • Microelectronic devices
  • Multi-point transient impact loading


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Zhang, X. H., Li, J. Z., Qin, F., & Wang, L. (2021). Experiments and numerical simulations of microelectronic devices subjected to multipoint impact loading. Microelectronics Reliability, 127, Article 114408. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.microrel.2021.114408