Evolution of Lithium Metal Anode Along Cycling in Working Lithium–Sulfur Batteries

Chen Xi Bi, Yu Jie Zhu, Zheng Li, Meng Zhao, Xue Qiang Zhang, Bo Quan Li, Jia Qi Huang*

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6 Citations (Scopus)


The cycling lifespan of high-energy-density lithium–sulfur (Li–S) batteries is dominantly limited by the rapid failure of Li metal anodes. Herein, the evolution of Li metal anode along cycling is systematically investigated in Li–S batteries to clarify the Li plating and stripping behaviors, the generation and accumulation of inactive Li, and the failure mechanism of Li metal anodes. Concretely, plated Li strips preferentially than bulk Li to leave massive stripping Li shells during initial discharge, and the stripping Li shells are refilled by plated Li during the subsequent charge to generate thick Li dendrites. During the following cycles, inactive Li generates and accumulates on top of bulk Li due to solid electrolyte interphase formation and incomplete removal of plated Li. Eventually, the accumulation of inactive Li hinders the diffusion of Li ions through the inactive Li layer to induce cell polarization at the end of the second discharge plateau and rapid decay of discharge capacity. This work elucidates the detailed evolution mechanism of Li metal anode along cycling in working Li–S batteries and highlights the reactivation of inactive Li as an effective strategy to prolong the cycling lifespan of Li–S batteries.

Original languageEnglish
Article number2402609
JournalAdvanced Energy Materials
Issue number39
Publication statusPublished - 18 Oct 2024


  • inactive lithium
  • lithium metal anode
  • lithium polysulfide
  • lithium–sulfur battery
  • solid electrolyte interphase


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