Estimation of the tyre-road maximum friction coefficient and slip slope based on a novel tyre model

Zhiquan Qi*, Saied Taheri, Baofeng Wang, Hongxiao Yu

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45 Citations (Scopus)


In this article, a new approach to estimate the vehicle tyre forces, tyre-road maximum friction coefficient, and slip slope is presented. Contrary to the majority of the previous work on this subject, a new tyre model for the estimation of the tyre-road interface characterisation is proposed. First, the tyre model is built and compared with those of Pacejka, Dugoff, and one other tyre model. Then, based on a vehicle model that uses four degrees of freedom, an extended Kalman filter (EKF) method is designed to estimate the vehicle motion and tyre forces. The shortcomings of force estimation are discussed in this article. Based on the proposed tyre model and the improved force measurements, another EKF is implemented to estimate the tyre model parameters, including the maximum friction coefficient, slip slope, etc. The tyre forces are accurately obtained simultaneously. Finally, very promising results have been achieved for pure acceleration/braking for varying road conditions, both in pure steering and combined manoeuvre simulations.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)506-525
Number of pages20
JournalVehicle System Dynamics
Issue number4
Publication statusPublished - 3 Apr 2015


  • EKF
  • maximum friction coefficient
  • slip slope
  • tyre model


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