Entrapped planar trimetallic carbide in a fullerene cage: Synthesis, isolation, and spectroscopic studies of Lu3C2@C 88

Wei Xu, Tai Shan Wang, Jing Yi Wu, Yi Han Ma, Jun Peng Zheng, Hui Li, Bao Wang, Li Jiang, Chun Ying Shu*, Chun Ru Wang

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35 Citations (Scopus)


We report the preparation, isolation, and spectroscopic characterizations of a novel endofullerene Lu3C2@C88, where a planar trimetallic carbide cluster Lu3C2 is encapsulated by D2-symmetric C88 cage. Meanwhile, the trimetallic nitride endofullerene Lu3N@C88 was also isolated and characterized for comparison. The results revealed that both metal carbide Lu3C2 and metal nitride Lu3N share the same D2-symmetric C88 cage. Theoretical studies revealed that the internal moieties supply the C88 cage with six electrons in both Lu3N@C88 and Lu3C2@C88 cases; however, Lu3N@C88 has a closed-shell electronic structure and Lu3C2@C88 owns an unpaired electron localized on the internal [Lu3C2]6+ moiety. The different molecular electronic structures of Lu3C 2@C88 and Lu3N@C88 lead to distinct differences on both the UV-vis absorption spectral features and their electrochemical redox properties.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)402-405
Number of pages4
JournalJournal of Physical Chemistry C
Issue number2
Publication statusPublished - 20 Jan 2011
Externally publishedYes


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