Energetic Butterfly: Heat-Resistant Diaminodinitro trans-Bimane

Pengcheng Zhang, Dheeraj Kumar, Lei Zhang, Daniel Shem-Tov, Natan Petrutik, Ajay Kumar Chinnam, Chuang Yao, Siping Pang, Michael Gozin

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

23 Citations (Scopus)


Due to a significant and prolific activity in the field of design and synthesis of new energetic molecules, it becomes increasingly difficult to introduce new explosophore structures with attractive properties. In this work, we synthesized a trans-bimane-based energetic material-3,7-diamino-2,6-dinitro-1H,5H-pyrazolo-[1,2-a]pyrazole-1,5-dione (4), the structure of which was comprehensively analyzed by a variety of advanced spectroscopic methods and by X-ray crystallo-graphy (with density of 1.845 g·cm-3 at 173 K). Although obtained crystals of 4 contained solvent molecules in their structure, state-of-the-art density functional theory (DFT) computational techniques allowed us to predict that solvent-free crystals of this explosive would preserve a similar tightly packed planar layered molecular arrangement, with the same number of molecules of 4 per unit cell, but with a smaller unit cell volume and therefore higher energy density. Explosive 4 was found to be heat resistant, with an onset decomposition temperature of 328.8 °C, and was calculated to exhibit velocity of detonation in a range of 6.88-7.14 km·s-1 and detonation pressure in the range of 19.14-22.04 GPa, using for comparison both HASEM and the EXPLO 5 software. Our results indicate that the trans-bimane explosophore could be a viable platform for the development of new thermostable energetic materials.

Original languageEnglish
Issue number23
Publication statusPublished - 26 Nov 2019


  • DFT calculations
  • energetic materials
  • thermostable explosives and explosophore


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