Effect of the triangular prism dent on stress corrosion cracking behavior of alloy 690TT heat transfer tube in a lead-containing alkaline solution

Yun Ding, Sui Yuan, Renquan Wu, Shichen Wei, Shuo Wang, Jian Xu, Hongying Yu*, Dongbai Sun

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Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

4 Citations (Scopus)


In this paper, the microstructural changes and mechanical characteristics of alloy 690TT heat transfer tube with a triangular prism dent are investigated by combining experimental and simulation methods, and subsequently examines their influence on stress corrosion cracking (SCC) behavior. The results indicate that the deformation mechanism caused by impact dent is slip and twinning. The structural transformation of high-density dislocations, as well as Copper and Brass deformation textures, are formed at dent bottom, resulting in stress concentration through work hardening, which greatly increases SCC sensitivity. Oxidation preferentially occurs along grain boundaries and dislocations, and the corrosion products are formed, which exhibit a semi-coherent orientation relationship with the matrix. Oxidation is essentially a de-alloying process in which oxygen diffuses inward and Cr migrates towards the oxidation zone. The wedge force generated by corrosion products provides another driving force for initiation and propagation of SCC cracks, in addition to external loads and residual stress. SCC cracks propagate in the form of intergranular stress corrosion cracking and transgranular stress corrosion cracking in a high temperature lead-containing alkaline solution.

Original languageEnglish
Article number155043
JournalJournal of Nuclear Materials
Publication statusPublished - Jun 2024
Externally publishedYes


  • Alloy 690TT heat transfer tube
  • Lead-containing alkaline solution
  • Oxidation
  • SCC
  • Triangular prism dent


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