Dynamic analysis and control application of vibration isolation system with magnetic suspension on satellites

Yao Zhang*, Chao Sheng, Quan Hu, Mou Li, Zixi Guo, Rui Qi

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46 Citations (Scopus)


Vibration isolation platform is widely used to isolate the micro vibration that is harmful to the sensitive payloads on satellites. The traditional passive vibration isolation platform has difficulty in isolating vibration with low frequency and designing the stiffness and damping parameters. In this work, a new kind of vibration isolation platform whose actuators are based on the magnetic suspension techniques is presented. The first step studies the force between two coils with currents and gives a simplified model of the force. The model of a single strut of the vibration isolation platform is described and the control currents are designed. Then the dynamic model of the vibration isolation platform is built. Based on this dynamic model, the electromagnetic coupling among struts is discussed, the stability and the parameters sensitivity of the platform are analyzed. Finally, the application of this new vibration isolation platform presented in this paper on satellite is analyzed. The accuracy and efficiency of this study are validated through numerical simulations of an attitude control loop using the vibration isolation platform.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)99-114
Number of pages16
JournalAerospace Science and Technology
Publication statusPublished - Apr 2018


  • Attitude control
  • Magnetic suspension techniques
  • Vibration isolation


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Zhang, Y., Sheng, C., Hu, Q., Li, M., Guo, Z., & Qi, R. (2018). Dynamic analysis and control application of vibration isolation system with magnetic suspension on satellites. Aerospace Science and Technology, 75, 99-114. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ast.2017.12.041