title = "Digital compass with automatic calibration algorithm",
abstract = "In order to compensate the influence of the surrounding magnetic field on the measurement results, a calibration method to automatically determine the offset and subtract it from every reading is developed. The residual errors of the calibration algorithm are analyzed. The measurement results show the effectiveness of the calibration algorithm and the practicality of the application of the digital compass in Virtual Reality systems.",
keywords = "Automatic calibration algorithm, Digital compass, Magnetic field measurement, Tilt measurement, Virtual reality",
author = "Yue Liu and Yongtian Wang and Xiaoming Hu",
year = "2002",
language = "English",
isbn = "7560317685",
series = "Proceedings of the Second International Symposium on Instrumentation Science and Technology",
pages = "1/134--1/139",
editor = "T. Jiubin and W. Xianfang and T. Jiubin and W. Xianfang",
booktitle = "Proceedings of the Second International Symposium on Instrumentation Science and Technology",
note = "Proceedings of the second International Symposium on Instrumentation Science and Technology ; Conference date: 18-08-2002 Through 22-08-2002",