Detecting Unbiased Associations in Large Data Sets

Chuanlu Liu, Shuliang Wang*, Hanning Yuan, Xiaojia Liu

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3 Citations (Scopus)


Maximal information coefficient (MIC) explores the associations between pairwise variables in complex relationships. It approaches the correlation by optimized partition on the axis. However, when the relationships meet special noise, MIC may overestimate the correlated value, which leads to the misidentification of the relationship without noiseless. In this article, a novel method of weighted information coefficient mean (WICM) is proposed to detect unbiased associations in large data sets. First, we mathematically analyze the cause of giving an abnormal correlation value to a noisy relationship. Then, the WICM is presented in two core steps. One is to detect the potential overestimation from the relationships with high value, and the other is to rectify the overestimation by calculating information coefficient mean instead of just selecting the maximum element in the characteristic matrix. Finally, experiments in functional relationships and real-world data relationships show that the overestimation can be solved by WICM with both feasibility and effectiveness.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)337-355
Number of pages19
JournalBig Data
Issue number4
Publication statusPublished - 1 Aug 2022


  • characteristic matrix
  • large data set
  • maximal information coefficient (MIC)
  • relationship overestimation
  • unbiased associations
  • weighted information coefficient mean (WICM)


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