Design of Biaxial Vibration Damping Device of Quartz Micromachined Gyroscope

Qingyuan Zhang, Lihui Feng*

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The quartz micromachined gyroscope is a widely used inertial measurement component. In the application of biaxial gyroscope, two axial angular velocities need to be measured at the same time, but there is vibration interference between the sensitive devices, and the vibration reduction structure should be adopted to reduce the interference. When the uniaxial vibration reduction structure is used in the gyroscope, each sensitive element needs a vibration reduction structure, which leads to larger volume of biaxial micromachined gyroscope. In order to solve this problem, a biaxial vibration damping device of quartz micromechanical gyroscope is designed to reduce the vibration of two-axis gyroscope. A new type of vibration damping body and vibration ring rubber ring are used as the stable structure and the simulation and optimization are carried out by ANSYS software. The results show that the quartz micro-mechanical vibration damping device can avoid the working frequency of the quartz micro-mechanical sensitive device effectively, the damping effect is more than 97%. The structure can reduce the external noise effectively and improve the performance very well.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)643-645 and 648
JournalYadian Yu Shengguang/Piezoelectrics and Acoustooptics
Issue number5
Publication statusPublished - 1 Oct 2017


  • ANSYS simulation
  • Biaxial structure
  • Gyroscope
  • Micromachined
  • Vibration damping device


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Zhang, Q., & Feng, L. (2017). Design of Biaxial Vibration Damping Device of Quartz Micromachined Gyroscope. Yadian Yu Shengguang/Piezoelectrics and Acoustooptics, 39(5), 643-645 and 648.