Design of a Spar-type wind turbine platform and analysis of the hydrodynamic influencing factors

Liang Zhang, Yuna Zhao, Yong Ma*, Xuewei Zhang, Fengmei Jing

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Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

6 Citations (Scopus)


In this study, a Spar-type floating platform with wind turbine was designed to support the NREL 5MW wind turbine. Besides, this platform was modeled by the SESAM software to analyze how heave-damping plate, operating ocean depth and height of center of gravity affect its hydrodynamic characteristics. Simulation results demonstrated that the heave-damping plate reduces the peak value of heave response to 1/3 of the corresponding value without heave-damping plate. Operating ocean depth has marginal effect on heave response when the operating ocean depth is over 4 times of the platform's design draft, which means that the Spar platform with floating wind turbine is suitable to work in ocean zones where the ocean depth is more than 4 times of the platform's design draft. The actual deviation of center of gravity has less impact on the platform's hydrodynamic performance when the actual center of gravity after loading is within 0~0.8 times of the distance between the design center of gravity and the design floating center, which is lower than the design center of gravity. The results of this study provide references for the design and hydrodynamic analysis of offshore floating wind turbine support platform.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)19-23
Number of pages5
JournalHarbin Gongcheng Daxue Xuebao/Journal of Harbin Engineering University
Issue number1
Publication statusPublished - 25 Jan 2015
Externally publishedYes


  • Heave-damping plate
  • Height of center of gravity
  • Hydrodynamic characteristics
  • Operating ocean depth
  • Spar-type platform with floating wind turbine


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