Damage and hotspot formation simulation for impact–shear loaded PBXs using combined microcrack and microvoid model

Kun Yang, Yanqing Wu*, Fenglei Huang

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29 Citations (Scopus)


A physically–based damage–hotspot formation framework incorporating multiple stress–state motivated evolution–modes of microcracks and microvoids is developed to study the overall damage behavior of polymer–bonded explosives (PBXs). Localized heating sub-models of shear–crack friction and void collapse hotspot mechanisms are described to predict impact–shear ignition of PBXs. Several features of microdefect evolution under a combined shear and compression loading are predicted as follows. (i) Crack growth causes an elasticity deterioration and softening response; (ii) void distortion begins at the yield point and ends at the softening point; (iii) the softening stage will be interrupted if the increasing lateral pressure is sufficiently large to inhibit crack growth; and (iv) void collapse occurs if the lateral pressure continually increases to a critical high value. Simulated results of a punched PBX charge show that shear–crack friction heating plays a critical role in ignition under low–velocity impact (<400 m/s). Under high–velocity impact (>400 m/s), the heating due to void collapse dominates ignition because the timescale to void hotspot formation (~1 μs) is considerably shorter than that of crack hotspots (~10 μs).

Original languageEnglish
Article number103924
JournalEuropean Journal of Mechanics, A/Solids
Publication statusPublished - 1 Mar 2020


  • Impact–shear loading
  • PBXs
  • Shear crack hotspot
  • Void collapse hotspot
  • Void distortion


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