Coordinated chassis control of 4WD vehicles utilizing differential braking, traction distribution and active front steering

Jianbo Feng, Sizhong Chen, Zhiquan Qi*

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28 Citations (Scopus)


This paper proposes a coordinated chassis control (CCC) utilizing four-wheel differential braking, electronically controlled real-time four-wheel drive (4WD) and active front steering (AFS), aiming to improve the driving performance and handling stability during cornering. First, the performance of the single system is tested; then the hierarchical-structure control algorithm is designed: a supervisory controller to monitor vehicle states and determine the desired yaw rate, upper-level controller to decide the desired longitudinal forces and the desired yaw moment based on the driver intention and the consideration of vehicle stability, and the control allocation layer to distribute the actual control inputs to the actuators applying an optimal control allocation algorithm. Simulations of moderate driving/aggressive deceleration scenarios and a comprehensive test on a handling road are conducted to validate the effectiveness of the proposed control algorithm. The results of the simulations suggest that the proposed algorithm can effectively improve the driving speed in limit cornering without losing lateral stability, and reduce the tire dissipation energy compared with other control algorithms such as the electronic stability control system, the four wheel independent brake system and an integrated chassis control system proposed in a previous research.

Original languageEnglish
Article number9079515
Pages (from-to)81055-81068
Number of pages14
JournalIEEE Access
Publication statusPublished - 2020


  • Coordinated chassis control
  • limit handling
  • tire dissipation energy
  • vehicle dynamics


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