Cooling simulation and inversion of residual stresses of steel plate

Jianjun Li, Shaohua Chen*

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The cooling process of the steel plate after hot rolling was simulated using the sub-modeling technique and the shell elements as well as the solid elements in Ansys finite element method software, producing the three dimensional temperature fields. The results show that the sub-modeling is a great approach to obtain the best finite element density and that the shell element produces more accurate results than the solid element under the same mesh density, which suggests that the cooling process can be modeled with more efficiency by the shell element. Moreover, the recently proposed method by Prime to measure residual stresses was expanded to the inversion of the residual stresses in steel plate. The residual stresses of a single cut plane were obtained through single slit method, which then was expanded to multi-cuts method including unidirectional and orthogonal slit method so as to get the residual stresses of multi-cuts planes, which was verified by the numerical simulation. This work has made possible getting the three-dimensional residual stresses and predicting the deformation of the steel plate after slitting.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)601-606
Number of pages6
JournalJixie Qiangdu/Journal of Mechanical Strength
Issue number4
Publication statusPublished - Aug 2011
Externally publishedYes


  • Finite element method
  • Inversion of residual stresses
  • Runout table cooling
  • Slitting
  • Superposition principle


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Li, J., & Chen, S. (2011). Cooling simulation and inversion of residual stresses of steel plate. Jixie Qiangdu/Journal of Mechanical Strength, 33(4), 601-606.