Connectivity-based optimization of vehicle route and speed for improved fuel economy

Chengsheng Miao, Haiou Liu, Guoming G. Zhu*, Huiyan Chen

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58 Citations (Scopus)


Traditionally, vehicle route planning problem focuses on route optimization based on traffic data and surrounding environment. This paper proposes a novel extended vehicle route planning problem, called vehicle macroscopic motion planning (VMMP) problem, to optimize vehicle route and speed simultaneously using both traffic data and vehicle characteristics to improve fuel economy for a given expected trip time. The required traffic data and neighbouring vehicle dynamic parameters can be collected through the vehicle connectivity (e.g. vehicle-to-vehicle, vehicle-to-infrastructure, vehicle-to-cloud, etc.) developed rapidly in recent years. A genetic algorithm based co-optimization method, along with an adaptive real-time optimization strategy, is proposed to solve the proposed VMMP problem. It is able to provide the fuel economic route and reference speed for drivers or automated vehicles to improve the vehicle fuel economy. A co-simulation model, combining a traffic model based on SUMO (Simulation of Urban MObility) with a Simulink powertrain model, is developed to validate the proposed VMMP method. Four simulation studies, based on a real traffic network, are conducted for validating the proposed VMMP: (1) ideal traffic environment without traffic light and jam for studying the fuel economy improvement, (2) traffic environment with traffic light for validating the proposed traffic light penalty model, (3) traffic environment with traffic light and jam for validating the proposed adaptive real-time optimization strategy, and (4) investigating the effect of different powertrain platforms to fuel economy using two different vehicle platforms. Simulation results show that the proposed VMMP method is able to improve vehicle fuel economy significantly. For instance, comparing with the fastest route, the fuel economy using the proposed VMMP method is improved by up to 15%.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)353-368
Number of pages16
JournalTransportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies
Publication statusPublished - Jun 2018


  • Fuel economy
  • Genetic algorithm
  • Route and speed optimization
  • Vehicle connectivity
  • Vehicle macroscopic motion planning


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Miao, C., Liu, H., Zhu, G. G., & Chen, H. (2018). Connectivity-based optimization of vehicle route and speed for improved fuel economy. Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies, 91, 353-368.