Composition tunable and stable spontaneous emission and lasing in Cd-alloyed perovskite microdisks

Dmitry A. Tatarinov*, Elizaveta V. Sapozhnikova, Daria Khmelevskaia, Yangyang Ju*, Dmitriy M. Dolgintsev, Elena V. Bodyago, Alexandr A. Marunchenko, Alexey E. Zhukov, Haizheng Zhong, Ivan G. Scheblykin*, Anatoly P. Pushkarev*

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All-inorganic Pb-Cd mixed-cation halide perovskites have emerged as semiconductors exhibiting improved optical and optoelectronic properties. We establish a reliable correlation between photoluminescence and Cd content x in bulk CsPb1−xCdxBr3 compositions, propose pathways of photoexcited charge carrier dynamics in them, and show improved stability of lasing in whispering gallery mode microdisks.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)13730-13733
Number of pages4
JournalChemical Communications
Issue number93
Publication statusPublished - 1 Nov 2024


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Tatarinov, D. A., Sapozhnikova, E. V., Khmelevskaia, D., Ju, Y., Dolgintsev, D. M., Bodyago, E. V., Marunchenko, A. A., Zhukov, A. E., Zhong, H., Scheblykin, I. G., & Pushkarev, A. P. (2024). Composition tunable and stable spontaneous emission and lasing in Cd-alloyed perovskite microdisks. Chemical Communications, 60(93), 13730-13733.