Complex harness product modeling and process knowledge integration based on ontology

Jingqian Wen*, Chunyang Wang, Pei Gao, Peng Wu, Liping Zou

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Research output: Contribution to conferencePaperpeer-review


To adapt the rapid market changes, product development process is required to be shortened as much as possible and carried on parallel design. The production mode of complex harness is multi-varieties and small-batch. And the process design is difficult due to frequent engineering changes and knowledge isolation between different platforms. In this paper, a product modelling method was put forward based on ontology to support knowledge integration and reuse. The enterprise semantic information layer, which can be understood both by human and computer, was built with ontology model and knowledge rules. And an inter-operation mechanism between heterogeneous platforms was designed to face the challenge of agile manufacturing. The construction process of the domainspecific ontology model and semantic expression of process knowledge was described in detail. Finally, taking some processing constraints as example, the semantic rules were established and intelligent reasoning was performed.

Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - 2016
Event46th International Conferences on Computers and Industrial Engineering, CIE 2016 - Tianjin, China
Duration: 29 Oct 201631 Oct 2016


Conference46th International Conferences on Computers and Industrial Engineering, CIE 2016


  • Knowledge integration
  • Ontology
  • Product modeling
  • Semantic reasoning


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Wen, J., Wang, C., Gao, P., Wu, P., & Zou, L. (2016). Complex harness product modeling and process knowledge integration based on ontology. Paper presented at 46th International Conferences on Computers and Industrial Engineering, CIE 2016, Tianjin, China.