Combined effect of intake angle and chamber structure on flow field and combustion process in a small-scaled rotary engine

Run Zou, Jinxiang Liu*, Huichao Jiao, Jingjing Zhao, Nana Wang

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27 Citations (Scopus)


This work aims to reveal combined effect of intake angle and chamber structure on flow field, flame propagation, combustion characteristics and pollutants formation of a small-scaled rotary engine by using numerical simulation. For this reason, a three-dimensional dynamic simulation model was established by using a reasonable turbulent model and choosing a reduced reaction kinetic mechanism and was also validated by the experimental data. Simulation results showed that intake angle is more significant to the influence of flame propagation, in-cylinder pressure and heat release rate (HRR) in the front baffle combustion chamber (FBCC) and the rear baffle combustion chamber (RBCC) compared to that in the middle baffle combustion chamber (MBCC), but is an opposite trend for effect of flow field. The differences in the in-cylinder velocity field and turbulent kinetic energy magnitude were the intrinsic mechanism of combined influence of intake angle and chamber structure. Under larger intake angle, for the MBCC and the RBCC, higher pressure, HRR and power output were obtained, meanwhile the decreased HC and CO formations were obtained, while showed a contrary tend for the FBCC. And the amount of HC formation for these three combustion chambers at 15°intake angle is relatively small. To sum up, considering combustion characteristics, engine cooling and pollutants formation, it can be concluded that the combination of 15°intake angle and combustion chamber with a middle baffle was the optimum configuration for a small-scaled RE in engineering application.

Original languageEnglish
Article number117652
JournalApplied Thermal Engineering
Publication statusPublished - 25 Feb 2022


  • Chamber structure
  • Combustion characteristics
  • Flow field
  • Intake angle
  • Small-scaled rotary engine


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Zou, R., Liu, J., Jiao, H., Zhao, J., & Wang, N. (2022). Combined effect of intake angle and chamber structure on flow field and combustion process in a small-scaled rotary engine. Applied Thermal Engineering, 203, Article 117652.