Broadband Multiplane Holography Based on Plasmonic Metasurface

Qunshuo Wei, Lingling Huang*, Xiaowei Li, Juan Liu, Yongtian Wang

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93 Citations (Scopus)


Because of its capability of recording both the amplitude and phase information of light, holography is considered as one of the most attractive approaches for reconstructing vivid 3D optical images. Recently, metasurfaces, consisting of arrays of subwavelength antennas, have drawn much attention due to their unique ability of light manipulation to enable the reconstruction of arbitrary wavefront, which promises a bright prospect for holograms with large information capacity. Here, multiplane holography with large information capacity by plasmonic metasurfaces using coupled dimers as components is realized. This study chooses an iterative 3D Fienup algorithm to get the phase profiles of such metasurface holograms. Two different metaholograms are fabricated to experimentally demonstrate the position and polarization multiplexing capacity, and the correlation coefficients between reconstructed images and target objects are analyzed to ensure the reconstruction quality. Such metasurfaces promise to be an outstanding alternative device for 3D holography and can be employed in various practical applications such as beam shaping, phase control, spin-hall effect of light, invisibility cloaking, data storage, and so on.

Original languageEnglish
Article number1700434
JournalAdvanced Optical Materials
Issue number18
Publication statusPublished - 18 Sept 2017


  • coupled dimers
  • holography
  • metasurfaces
  • multiplexing capacity


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