Breakdown dynamics and instability of underwater metallic aerosol bubble atomized by electrical explosion

Ruoyu Han*, Wei Yuan, Yuchen Cao, Jie Bai, Menglei Wang, Yongming Wang, Liuxia Li*

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1 Citation (Scopus)


This study delves into the electrophysical processes and intricate fluid dynamics of an electrical-explosion-induced bubble in water. A fine copper wire is heated up and exploded to dense metallic aerosol (vapor-drop mixture) via a μs-timescale 10 kA current pulse, crossing a wide range of the density-temperature parametric space. High-speed photography along with discharge diagnostics reveals two modes for plasma development (restrike) inside explosion products: gas discharge and volume ionization. Experimental results indicate the metal-insulator transition of metal can easily throttle down circuit current at a moderate degree of vaporization, resulting in a free-expanding metallic aerosol in the presence of a quasi-direct current axial electric field of kV/cm level. After dozens of μs, an anode-directed, “ionization wave” is observed inside the aerosol bubble, propagating with a speed of 3-10 km/s. Remarkably, adjustments in the electric field permit the observation of cathode-directed discharge development. Increasing the charging voltage or wire diameter promotes the overheating degree, accompanied by partial ionized striation of electro-thermal instability. With sufficient high overheating of the wire (ξ > 1), the gas discharge disappears and restrike is dominated by volume ionization.

Original languageEnglish
Article number047112
JournalPhysics of Fluids
Issue number4
Publication statusPublished - 1 Apr 2024


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Han, R., Yuan, W., Cao, Y., Bai, J., Wang, M., Wang, Y., & Li, L. (2024). Breakdown dynamics and instability of underwater metallic aerosol bubble atomized by electrical explosion. Physics of Fluids, 36(4), Article 047112.