Brand love: the emotional bridge between tourists’ perceived value and well-being

Muhammad Junaid, Khalid Hussain, Umair Akram, Muhammad Mansoor Asghar, Samra Zafar, Fujun Hou*

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    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    19 Citations (Scopus)


    Marketing science has identified brand love as an efficacious construct in the consumer–brand relationship, yet there is scarce research on how to effectuate it in tourism and hospitality sector. What can businesses gain from it beyond profitability? Using 500 tourists’ responses, this study finds that quality value, emotional value, and knowledge value directly augment brand love and that brand love directly enhances well-being, while quality value, emotional value, and knowledge value indirectly enhance tourists’ well-being, and tourists’ self-perceived mastering negatively moderates the relationships of brand love with quality value, emotional value, and knowledge value.

    Original languageEnglish
    Pages (from-to)1328-1341
    Number of pages14
    JournalAsia Pacific Journal of Tourism Research
    Issue number12
    Publication statusPublished - 2020


    • Brand love
    • hospitality & tourism
    • perceived value
    • self-perceived mastering
    • well-being


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    Junaid, M., Hussain, K., Akram, U., Asghar, M. M., Zafar, S., & Hou, F. (2020). Brand love: the emotional bridge between tourists’ perceived value and well-being. Asia Pacific Journal of Tourism Research, 25(12), 1328-1341.