Boundary-localized many-body bound states in the continuum

Na Sun, Weixuan Zhang*, Hao Yuan, Xiangdong Zhang*

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Bound states in the continuum (BICs), referring to spatially localized bound states with energies falling within the range of extended modes, have been extensively investigated in single-particle systems, leading to diverse applications in photonics, acoustics, and other classical-wave systems. Recently, there has been theoretical interest in exploring many-body BICs in interacting quantum systems, which necessitate the careful design of impurity potentials or spatial profiles of interaction. Here, we propose a type of many-body BICs localized at boundaries, which can be purely induced by the uniform onsite interaction without requiring any specific design of impurity potential or nonlocal interaction. We numerically show that three or more interacting bosons can concentrate on the boundary of a homogeneous one-dimensional lattice, which is absent at single- and two-particle counterparts. Moreover, the eigenenergy of multi-boson bound states can embed within the continuous energy spectra of extended scattering states, thereby giving rise to interaction-induced boundary many-body BICs. Furthermore, by mapping Fock states of three and four bosons to nonlinear circuit networks, we experimentally simulate boundary many-body BICs. Our findings enrich the comprehension of correlated BICs beyond the single-particle level, and have the potential to inspire future investigations on exploring many-body BICs.

Original languageEnglish
Article number299
JournalCommunications Physics
Issue number1
Publication statusPublished - Dec 2024


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Sun, N., Zhang, W., Yuan, H., & Zhang, X. (2024). Boundary-localized many-body bound states in the continuum. Communications Physics, 7(1), Article 299.