Bistatic 3D interferometric ISAR phase unwrapping

Cheng Fa Xu, Li Zhi Zhao, Li Xin Lin

Research output: Contribution to conferencePaperpeer-review

2 Citations (Scopus)


Interferometric ISAR is a promising technique which uses phase difference between ISAR images generated by multiple sensors to obtain the height information and the effective rotational motion of the target with respect to radar. However, the phase of the interferogram must be unwrapped to remove the modulo-ambiguity before estimating the height and rotation of the target. In the conventional phase unwrapping operation, it is assumed that the true (unwrapped) phase difference between adjacent pixels is beyond the range [-π,π]. In the ISAR applications, the rapid changes in the true intrinsic phase will violate this assumption. Inconsistencies can lead to phase unwrapping errors. In this paper, a phase unwrapping method is developed to solve this problem. Simulations have been carried out to verify the effectiveness of our method.

Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - 2015
EventIET International Radar Conference 2015 - Hangzhou, China
Duration: 14 Oct 201516 Oct 2015


ConferenceIET International Radar Conference 2015


  • 3D image reconstruction
  • Bistatic radar
  • Interferometric ISAR
  • Phase unwrapping


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