Battlefield target intelligence system architecture modeling and system optimization

Wei Li, Yue Wang, Lijuan Jia*, Senran Peng, Ruixi He

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To address the current problems of poor generality, low real-time, and imperfect information transmission of the battlefield target intelligence system, this paper studies the battlefield target intelligence system from the top-level perspective of multi-service joint warfare. First, an overall planning and analysis method of architecture modeling is proposed with the idea of a bionic analogy for battlefield target intelligence system architecture modeling, which reduces the difficulty of the planning and design process. The method introduces the Department of Defense architecture framework (DoDAF) modeling method, the multi-living agent (MLA) theory modeling method, and other combinations for planning and modeling. A set of rapid planning methods that can be applied to model the architecture of various types of complex systems is formed. Further, the liveness analysis of the battlefield target intelligence system is carried out, and the problems of the existing system are presented from several aspects. And the technical prediction of the development and construction is given, which provides directional ideas for the subsequent research and development of the battlefield target intelligence system. In the end, the proposed architecture model of the battlefield target intelligence system is simulated and verified by applying the colored Petri nets (CPN) simulation software. The analysis demonstrates the reasonable integrity of its logic.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)1190-1210
Number of pages21
JournalJournal of Systems Engineering and Electronics
Issue number5
Publication statusPublished - Oct 2024


  • architecture modeling
  • battlefield target intelligence system
  • bionic design
  • simulation verification
  • system optimization


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Li, W., Wang, Y., Jia, L., Peng, S., & He, R. (2024). Battlefield target intelligence system architecture modeling and system optimization. Journal of Systems Engineering and Electronics, 35(5), 1190-1210.