Asymptotic Output Tracking Control of a Class of Linear Systems by Finite-and-Quantized Output Feedback

Jian Guo, Yanjun Zhang*, Ji Feng Zhang

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1 Citation (Scopus)


This paper presents a novel finite-and-quantized output feedback asymptotic tracking control method for a general class of continuous-time linear time-invariant systems. First, we construct a finite quantizer with time-varying thresholds and design a pole placement control law that exclusively utilizes the finite-and-quantized output signal and an external reference signal. Then, we establish the boundedness of all closed-loop signals and prove the asymptotic convergence of the output tracking error to zero. The proposed method combines the advantages of classical pole placement control technique and finite quantization feedback technique. It not only reduces the requirement for feedback information compared with existing tracking control methods but also effectively handles unstable poles and zeros in controlled systems, thereby achieving asymptotic output tracking. Finally, we provide a representative example to validate the effectiveness and new features of our proposed method.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)249-260
Number of pages12
JournalUnmanned Systems
Issue number2
Publication statusPublished - 1 Mar 2024


  • Continuous-time
  • asymptotic output tracking
  • pole placement control
  • quantized-output feedback


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Guo, J., Zhang, Y., & Zhang, J. F. (2024). Asymptotic Output Tracking Control of a Class of Linear Systems by Finite-and-Quantized Output Feedback. Unmanned Systems, 12(2), 249-260.