Aperiodic sampled-data controller design for switched Itô stochastic Markovian jump systems

Guoliang Chen, Chenchen Fan, James Lam, Jian Sun*, Jianwei Xia

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27 Citations (Scopus)


In this paper, aperiodic sampled-data control for a class of Itô stochastic Markovian jump systems with switching transition rate matrix containing partially known elements is investigated. By introducing a loop-based Lyapunov functional, mean square exponential stability criteria are presented and mode-dependent aperiodic sampled-data controllers are designed. Due to the constraint on the upper bound of the sampling interval is no greater than the dwell time, the transition rate matrix may switch in a sampling interval. The issue concerning the asynchronization between the sampled-data controller mode and the system mode is hence considered. A practical RLC electrical circuit example is presented to illustrate the effectiveness of the method.

Original languageEnglish
Article number105031
JournalSystems and Control Letters
Publication statusPublished - Nov 2021


  • LMI
  • Lyapunov functional
  • Markovian jump systems
  • Sampled-data controller
  • Switched systems


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