Angular spectrum method for acoustic beam in anisotropic media and structures

Wei Jiang Xu, Jin Ying Zhang, Xian Mei Wu, Qian Cheng, Samul Dupont

Research output: Contribution to journalConference articlepeer-review


The Angular Spectrum (AS) method is commonly used to calculate the propagation of scalar wave fields.This study extends the application of AS to vector wave propagation, specifically addressing acoustic waves in anisotropic media.The approach involves using plane wave spectra to express all possible mode waves, namely one q-P wave and two q-S waves, that propagate in various directions in the medium.These AS are determined by applying boundary conditions at the source surface where the vector waves are generated and the modes waves are coupled.AS decomposition of waves requires the determination of complex wavenumber vectors (or slownesses) through the Christoffel equation, including both propagating and evanescent waves.The determination of the acoustic beam profile in TeO2 crystals is presented as an application example of AS.

Original languageEnglish
Article number012156
JournalJournal of Physics: Conference Series
Issue number1
Publication statusPublished - 2024
Event2023 International Congress on Ultrasonics, ICU Beijing 2023 - Beijing, China
Duration: 18 Sept 202321 Sept 2023


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Xu, W. J., Zhang, J. Y., Wu, X. M., Cheng, Q., & Dupont, S. (2024). Angular spectrum method for acoustic beam in anisotropic media and structures. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2822(1), Article 012156.