An innovative framework for optimizing discrete berth allocation and quay crane assignment problems

Xi Xiang, Xuqiang Chang, Lin Gong*, Xin Liu

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This paper delves into the complexities linked with discrete berth allocation and quay crane assignment within automated container terminals, analyzing scenarios that involve both time-invariant and time-variant considerations. We propose a novel approach, redefining discrete berth allocation and time-invariant quay crane assignment problems as resource-constrained project scheduling problems, which are addressed with an efficient branch and cut algorithm. Furthermore, our investigation extends to the domain of time-variant specific quay crane assignment, introducing a purpose-designed two-stage algorithm for effective resolution. Numerical experiments affirm the efficacy of these algorithms in effectively addressing the intricate yet pivotal challenges inherent in automated terminal operations.

Original languageEnglish
Article number110827
JournalComputers and Industrial Engineering
Publication statusPublished - Feb 2025


  • Branch and cut
  • Discrete berth allocation
  • Quay crane assignment problems
  • Resource constrained project scheduling problem


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Xiang, X., Chang, X., Gong, L., & Liu, X. (2025). An innovative framework for optimizing discrete berth allocation and quay crane assignment problems. Computers and Industrial Engineering, 200, Article 110827.