An extended moments model of quantum efficiency for metals and semiconductors

Kevin L. Jensen*, Andrew Shabaev, Samuel G. Lambrakos, Daniel Finkenstadt, John J. Petillo, Anna M. Alexander, John Smedley, Nathan A. Moody, Hisato Yamaguchi, Fangze Liu, Amanda J. Neukirch, Sergei Tretiak

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7 Citations (Scopus)


The complexity of photocathode designs and detector materials, and the need to model their performance for short pulse durations, the response to high-frequency photons, the presence of coatings and/or thinness of the absorptive layer, necessitates modifications to three-step and moments models of photoemission that are used in simulation codes. In this study, methods to include input from computationally intensive approaches, such as density functional theory to model optical properties and transfer matrix approaches to treat emission from the surface or transport past coatings, by means of parametric models are demonstrated. First, a technique to accurately represent optical behavior so as to model reflectivity and penetration depth is given. Second, modifications to bulk models arising from the usage of thin film architectures, and a means to rapidly calculate them, are provided. Third, a parameterization to model the impact of wells associated with coatings and surface layers on the transmission probably is given. In all cases, the methods are computationally efficient and designed to allow for including input from numerically intensive approaches that would otherwise be unavailable for simulations.

Original languageEnglish
Article number015301
JournalJournal of Applied Physics
Issue number1
Publication statusPublished - 7 Jul 2020
Externally publishedYes


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Jensen, K. L., Shabaev, A., Lambrakos, S. G., Finkenstadt, D., Petillo, J. J., Alexander, A. M., Smedley, J., Moody, N. A., Yamaguchi, H., Liu, F., Neukirch, A. J., & Tretiak, S. (2020). An extended moments model of quantum efficiency for metals and semiconductors. Journal of Applied Physics, 128(1), Article 015301.