Adaptive soft sensor modeling framework based on just-in-time learning and kernel partial least squares regression for nonlinear multiphase batch processes

Huaiping Jin, Xiangguang Chen*, Jianwen Yang, Lei Wu

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106 Citations (Scopus)


Batch processes are characterized by inherent nonlinearity, multiple phases and time-varying behavior that pose great challenges for accurate state estimation. A multiphase just-in-time (MJIT) learning based kernel partial least squares (KPLS) method is proposed for multiphase batch processes. Gaussian mixture model is estimated to identify different operating phases where various JIT-KPLS frameworks are built. By applying Bayesian inference strategy, the query data is classified into a particular phase with the maximal posterior probability, and thus the corresponding JIT-KPLS framework is chosen for online prediction. To further improve the predictive accuracy of the MJIT-KPLS algorithm, a hybrid similarity measure and an adaptive selection strategy are proposed for selecting local modeling samples. Moreover, maximal similarity replacement rule is proposed to update database. A procedure of input variable selection based on partial mutual information is also presented. The effectiveness of the MJIT-KPLS algorithm is demonstrated through application to industrial fed-batch chlortetracycline fermentation process.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)77-93
Number of pages17
JournalComputers and Chemical Engineering
Publication statusPublished - 4 Dec 2014


  • Adaptive soft sensor
  • Batch process
  • Chlortetracycline fermentation process
  • Just-in-time learning
  • Kernel partial least squares
  • Partial mutual information


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