Adaptive Load Balancing for Dual-Mode Communication Networks in the Power Internet of Things

Kunpeng Xu, Zheng Li, Yunyi Yan, Hongguang Dai, Xianhui Wang*, Jinlei Chen, Zesong Fei

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As an important part of the power Internet of Things, the dual-mode communication network that combines the high-speed power line carrier (HPLC) mode and high-speed radio frequency (HRF) mode is one of the hot directions in current research. Since non-uniform transmission demands for power consumption information can lead to link congestion among nodes, improving the network load-balancing performance becomes a critical issue. Therefore, this paper proposes a load-balancing routing algorithm for dual-mode communication networks, which is achieved in dual-mode communication networks by adding alternate paths and proxy coordinator (PCO) node election mechanism. Simulation results show that the proposed algorithm achieves the load-balanced distribution of power consumption information transmission. The proposed scheme reduces the delay and packet loss rate, as well as improving the throughput of dual-mode communication compared to existing routing algorithms.

Original languageEnglish
Article number4366
JournalElectronics (Switzerland)
Issue number20
Publication statusPublished - Oct 2023


  • PCO node election
  • dual-mode communication
  • load balancing
  • routing algorithm


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Xu, K., Li, Z., Yan, Y., Dai, H., Wang, X., Chen, J., & Fei, Z. (2023). Adaptive Load Balancing for Dual-Mode Communication Networks in the Power Internet of Things. Electronics (Switzerland), 12(20), Article 4366.