Adaptive Event-Triggered Fuzzy HFilter Design for Nonlinear Networked Systems

Xin Zhao, Chong Lin*, Bing Chen, Qing Guo Wang, Zhongjing Ma

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37 Citations (Scopus)


This article studies the problem of the fuzzy H∞ filter design for nonlinear networked control systems through event-triggered communication (ETC) scheme. First, a novel adaptive ETC scheme is given to determine whether the sampled measurement output should be released to communication network or not. Consequently, less communication resources are occupied under the desired H∞ performance. Second, augmented fuzzy line-integral Lyapunov function is introduced in the H∞ performance analysis of filter error systems, such that the information of time derivative of membership functions are fully considered to reduce the conservativeness of networked fuzzy filter design. Different from the existing results, the upper bounds of time derivative of membership functions need not to be known prior. Third, the resulting filter error system is modeled as time-delay system under ETC mechanism and asynchronous premise in a unified framework. As a result, applying Lyapunov theory and inequality technique, new sufficient condition is obtained to meet the H∞ performance for the filter error systems. Further, the corresponding filter and event-triggering parameters are codesigned and solved by a set of linear matrix inequalities. Finally, two examples are offered to demonstrate the advantage of the proposed method.

Original languageEnglish
Article number8884170
Pages (from-to)3302-3314
Number of pages13
JournalIEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems
Issue number12
Publication statusPublished - Dec 2020


  • Adaptive event-triggered scheme
  • filter design
  • fuzzy line-integral Lyapunov function
  • nonlinear networked system


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Zhao, X., Lin, C., Chen, B., Wang, Q. G., & Ma, Z. (2020). Adaptive Event-Triggered Fuzzy HFilter Design for Nonlinear Networked Systems. IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems, 28(12), 3302-3314. Article 8884170.