Accurate simulations of 2-D phase shift masks with a generalized discontinuous Galerkin (GDG) method

Xia Ji*, Wei Cai

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In this paper, we apply a newly developed generalized discontinuous Galerkin (GDG) method for rigorous simulations of 2-D phase shift masks (PSM). The main advantage of the GDG method is its accurate treatment of jumps in solutions using the Dirac δ generalized functions as source terms of partial differential equations. The scattering problem of the PSM is cast with a total field/scattering field formulation while the GDG method is used to handle the inhomogeneous jump conditions between the total and scattering fields along the physical and perfectly matched layer (PML) interfaces. Numerical results demonstrate the high order accuracy of the GDG method and its capability of handling the non-periodic structures such as optical images near mask edges.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)401-415
Number of pages15
JournalDiscrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems - Series B
Issue number2
Publication statusPublished - Mar 2011
Externally publishedYes


  • Discontinuous Galerkin method (DG)
  • Generalized discontinuous Galerkin method (GDG)
  • Perfectly matched layer (PML)
  • Phase shift masks (PSM)


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