A Wide-Angle Scanning Circularly Polarized Shared- Aperture Array With Low Scan Loss Capability

Lei Zhang, Feng Lin*, Hou Jun Sun, Jian Yong Yin

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A wide-angle scanning circularly polarized (CP) shared-aperture array is presented in this letter. The proposed dual-band shared-aperture element consists of a dual CP stacked patch antenna and a single CP U-slot patch antenna. To alleviate the scanning gain drop when beam steering in a wide range, a beam-shaped method is proposed. By employing the metal cavity and bent metal pins, a vertical current can be induced, and the radiation pattern can be reshaped. As a result, a dip is introduced to the boresight of the element pattern and the gain at large angles can be improved, which is beneficial to achieve a lower scan loss in a wider scanning range. Based on this shaped-beam element, an eight-element linear array is fabricated and measured. The proposed array can steer the main beam from -65° to +65° and -60° to +60° at a dual band with a small average scan loss of 2.2 dB and 2.5 dB, respectively. The measured results are consistent with the simulated ones.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)2880-2884
Number of pages5
JournalIEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters
Issue number10
Publication statusPublished - 2024


  • Circularly polarized (CP)
  • low scan loss
  • shaped beam
  • shared aperture
  • wide-angle scanning


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Zhang, L., Lin, F., Sun, H. J., & Yin, J. Y. (2024). A Wide-Angle Scanning Circularly Polarized Shared- Aperture Array With Low Scan Loss Capability. IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters, 23(10), 2880-2884. https://doi.org/10.1109/LAWP.2024.3412889