A Threshold Switching Selector Based on Highly Ordered Ag Nanodots for X-Point Memory Applications

Qilin Hua, Huaqiang Wu*, Bin Gao, Meiran Zhao, Yujia Li, Xinyi Li, Xiang Hou, Meng Fan (Marvin) Chang, Peng Zhou, He Qian

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113 Citations (Scopus)


Leakage interference between memory cells is the primary obstacle for enlarging X-point memory arrays. Metal-filament threshold switches, possessing excellent selectivity and low leakage current, are developed in series with memory cells to reduce sneak path current and lower power consumption. However, these selectors typically have limited on-state currents (≤10 µA), which are insufficient for memory RESET operations. Here, a strategy is proposed to achieve sufficiently large RESET current (≈2.3 mA) by introducing highly ordered Ag nanodots to the threshold switch. Compared to the Ag thin film case, Ag nanodots as active electrode could avoid excessive Ag atoms migration into solid electrolyte during operations, which causes stable conductive filament growth. Furthermore, Ag nanodots with rapid thermal processing contribute to forming multiple weak Ag filaments at a lower voltage and then spontaneous rupture as the applied voltage reduced, according to quantized conductance and simulation analysis. Impressively, the Ag nanodots based threshold switch, which is bidirectional and truly electroforming-free, demonstrates extremely high selectivity >10 9 , ultralow leakage current <1 pA, very steep slope of 0.65 mV dec −1 , and good thermal stability up to 200 °C, and further represents significant suppression of leakage currents and excellent performances for SET/RESET operations in the one-selector-one-resistor configuration.

Original languageEnglish
Article number1900024
JournalAdvanced Science
Issue number10
Publication statusPublished - 17 May 2019
Externally publishedYes


  • Ag nanodots
  • cross-point
  • one-selector-one-resistor (1S1R)
  • selectors
  • threshold switch


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Hua, Q., Wu, H., Gao, B., Zhao, M., Li, Y., Li, X., Hou, X., (Marvin) Chang, M. F., Zhou, P., & Qian, H. (2019). A Threshold Switching Selector Based on Highly Ordered Ag Nanodots for X-Point Memory Applications. Advanced Science, 6(10), Article 1900024. https://doi.org/10.1002/advs.201900024