A Surgeon's Habits-Based Novel Master Manipulator for the Vascular Interventional Surgical Master-Slave Robotic System

Wei Zhou, Shuxiang Guo*, Jin Guo, Fanxu Meng, Zhengyang Chen, Chuqiao Lyu

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24 Citations (Scopus)


A master-slave vascular interventional surgical robotic system (MSVISRs) promises to treat cardio-cerebrovascular diseases without damaging the health of surgeons. Although many scholars are engaged in the research on the slave manipulator for the MSVISRs, there are very few studies on the master manipulator. In this study, a surgeon's habits-based novel master manipulator is developed. This master manipulator imitates the operating habits of surgeons in surgery and uses a non-contact method with an optical mouse sensor to measure the operating displacements. The novelty of this approach is that this master manipulator with smaller size and non-contact displacement measurement method can provide the axial force and the circumferential force feedback independently. In this master manipulator, the rigid-flexible coupling structure is used to provide the axial force feedback. In addition, the brush DC motor is used to give the circumferential force feedback. Furthermore, the proposed master manipulator is calibrated and evaluated by experiments. The calibration experiments show that the maximum identification ranges for the axial force and circumferential force in the proposed master manipulator are 0.247-4.5N and 0.52-4.3N, respectively. Moreover, the evaluation experiments show that the maximum error is 0.8 mm in the axial direction. As compared with other master manipulator, the comprehensive properties of this novel master manipulator are shown to be better and more promising.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)9922-9931
Number of pages10
JournalIEEE Sensors Journal
Issue number10
Publication statusPublished - 15 May 2022
Externally publishedYes


  • Axial force feedback
  • Circumferential force feedback
  • Master manipulator
  • Surgeon-s habits
  • Vascular interventional surgical robotic system


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Zhou, W., Guo, S., Guo, J., Meng, F., Chen, Z., & Lyu, C. (2022). A Surgeon's Habits-Based Novel Master Manipulator for the Vascular Interventional Surgical Master-Slave Robotic System. IEEE Sensors Journal, 22(10), 9922-9931. https://doi.org/10.1109/JSEN.2022.3166674