A single-frequency Ho:YAG laser with bow-tie architecture injected by different polarized seeders

Q. X. Na, C. Q. Gao*, Q. Wang, Y. X. Zhang, M. W. Gao, M. Zhang, Y. J. Wang

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11 Citations (Scopus)


The performance of a single-frequency Ho:YAG laser with bow-tie cavity injected by different polarized seed lasers is studied both theoretically and experimentally. With vertically polarized (s-polarized) seeding, a 9.7 mJ single-frequency laser with a pulse width of 183 ns at the repetition rate of 252 Hz is obtained. With horizontally polarized (p-polarized) seeding, an 8.8 mJ single-frequency laser with a pulse width of 220 ns at the repetition rate of 252 Hz is obtained. The laser operating in p-polarized seeding mode performs better than the one operating in s-polarized seeding because of the stable relative center frequency of the pulses (0.9 MHz in 1 h).

Original languageEnglish
Article number085002
JournalLaser Physics Letters
Issue number8
Publication statusPublished - Aug 2017


  • Ho:YAG laser
  • Q-switch
  • injection-seed
  • solid-state lasers


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