A novel PS points' association method based on sliding-type scattering center for bistatic/multistatic SAR

Jingyang Wang, Tao Zeng*, Yin Xiang, Cheng Hu

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Research output: Contribution to conferencePaperpeer-review


Synthetic aperture radar (SAR) systems have been successful in applications of monitoring stationary terrain. Recently, bistatic/multistatic SAR systems with the ability to obtain information from multiple directions attract intensive attentions in the research field of SAR. Considering that the images registration method is the fundamental of making full use of multi-angle information, this paper propose a novel PS points' association method based on sliding-type scattering centers for bistatic/multistatic SAR images in order to realize the images registration. This method has solved the problem that traditional images registration method by PS points only can be used with single angle observation and is of great significance for multi-angle information fusion and multi-baseline interferometric by bistatic/multistatic SAR systems.

Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - 2015
EventIET International Radar Conference 2015 - Hangzhou, China
Duration: 14 Oct 201516 Oct 2015


ConferenceIET International Radar Conference 2015


  • Bistatic/multistatic SAR
  • Multi-angle
  • PS points' association
  • Sliding-type scattering center


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Wang, J., Zeng, T., Xiang, Y., & Hu, C. (2015). A novel PS points' association method based on sliding-type scattering center for bistatic/multistatic SAR. Paper presented at IET International Radar Conference 2015, Hangzhou, China.