A lightweight orthorhombic-phase strengthened TiZrVNbAl multicomponent intermetallic alloy with promising ambient ductility and high-temperature strength

Xutao Wang, Tianxiang Li, Liang Wang, Ke Jin, Benpeng Wang*, Yunkai Li, Shihai Sun, Yunfei Xue

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5 Citations (Scopus)


High-temperature alloy with good ambient ductility, high elevated-temperature strength and low density is desired for industrial application. Here, a novel lightweight TiZrVNbAl multicomponent intermetallic alloy with good combination of ambient ductility and high-temperature strength was developed. The designed alloy is composed of multicomponent B2 intermetallic matrix and dispersed micro-scale orthorhombic-phase (O-phase) precipitates. The multicomponent B2 intermetallic matrix can undergo plastic deformation through the mixture of planar and wavy slip of b = a<111> and b = a<001> dislocations, while the O-phase deforms by producing dislocation and stacking faults. Moreover, the O-phase can effectively contribute to strength by impeding dislocation motion at elevated temperatures (600 °C–800 °C). Consequently, the TiZrVNbAl alloy exhibits a large elongation of ∼14%, high specific tensile yield strength of ∼171.2 MPa g/cm3 at room temperature and a high specific compressive strength of ∼62.3 MPa g/cm3 at 800 °C. The present results will give new insights into the development of lightweight ductile high-temperature alloys.

Original languageEnglish
Article number144644
JournalMaterials Science and Engineering: A
Publication statusPublished - 16 Feb 2023


  • Deformation mechanism
  • Mechanical property
  • Microstructure
  • Multicomponent alloy
  • Orthorhombic phase


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Wang, X., Li, T., Wang, L., Jin, K., Wang, B., Li, Y., Sun, S., & Xue, Y. (2023). A lightweight orthorhombic-phase strengthened TiZrVNbAl multicomponent intermetallic alloy with promising ambient ductility and high-temperature strength. Materials Science and Engineering: A, 865, Article 144644. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.msea.2023.144644