A hybrid soft robotic surgical gripper system for delicate nerve manipulation in digital nerve repair surgery

Jin Guo, Jin Huat Low, Xinquan Liang, Jasmin Shimin Lee, Yoke Rung Wong, Raye Chen Hua Yeow

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

31 Citations (Scopus)


In digital nerve repair surgery, handling the digital nerves using traditional forceps requires surgeons to be extremely cautious in order to minimize unintended iatrogenic nerve trauma. These injuries are mainly caused by excessively forceful manipulation with metallic rigid forceps. Soft pneumatic actuators have been increasingly adopted to broaden the biomedical applications of conventional rigid structures due to their inherent excellent compliance and compressibility. Existing soft grippers, however, face barriers to their use in digital nerve repair, due to their large prototype size or limited gripping force. In this paper, a new two-arm hybrid soft surgical gripper system is proposed to reduce the risk of excessive stress to nerves and facilitate surgeons' delicate nerve manipulation in digital nerve repair surgery. It consists of two hybrid soft surgical grippers, two stiffness-tunable positioning arms, and a pedal-based control system. The inflated soft pneumatic gripping actuator is capable of providing compliant gripping and soft interaction with nerve tissues. This can prevent sudden overgripping force stimulation. The ability to position two surgical grippers is provided by two stiffness-tunable arms combining six pneumatic locking actuators. The inflation of the soft pneumatic actuator is investigated using a theoretical model and finite element analysis. Cadaver experiments, rodent experiments, and histopathological studies are conducted to validate that the proposed surgical gripper system is capable of completing required digital nerve manipulations in digital nerve repair surgery and exhibits very low disruption to nerve tissues.

Original languageEnglish
Article number8744247
Pages (from-to)1440-1451
Number of pages12
JournalIEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics
Issue number4
Publication statusPublished - Aug 2020


  • Digital nerve repair surgery
  • Finite element analysis
  • In-vivo experiments
  • Soft inflatable actuators
  • Stiffness-variable positioning arms
  • Theoretical modeling


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Guo, J., Low, J. H., Liang, X., Lee, J. S., Wong, Y. R., & Yeow, R. C. H. (2020). A hybrid soft robotic surgical gripper system for delicate nerve manipulation in digital nerve repair surgery. IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics, 24(4), 1440-1451. Article 8744247. https://doi.org/10.1109/TMECH.2019.2924518