title = "A high-performance signal processing system for monopulse tracking radar",
abstract = "A radar signal processing system characterizing high instantaneous dynamic range and low system latency is designed based on a specifically developed signal processing platform. Instantaneous dynamic range loss is a critical problem when digital signal processing is performed on fixed-point FPGAs. In this paper, the problem is well resolved by increasing the wordlength according to signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) gain of the algorithms through the data path. The distinctive software structure featuring parallel pipelined processing and {"}data flow drive{"} reduces the system latency to one coherent processing interval (CPI), which significantly improves the maximum tracking angular velocity of the monopulse tracking radar. Additionally, some important electronic counter-countermeasures (ECCM) are incorporated into this signal processing system.",
keywords = "ECCM, Instantaneous dynamic range, Monopulse, System latency",
author = "Hong, {Yong Bin} and Xu, {Cheng Fa} and Gao, {Mei Guo} and Zhao, {Li Zhi}",
year = "2012",
doi = "10.4028/www.scientific.net/AMR.383-390.471",
language = "English",
isbn = "9783037852958",
series = "Advanced Materials Research",
pages = "471--475",
booktitle = "Manufacturing Science and Technology",
note = "2011 International Conference on Manufacturing Science and Technology, ICMST 2011 ; Conference date: 16-09-2011 Through 18-09-2011",