A Framework for Function Allocations in Intelligent Driver Interface Design for Comfort and Safety

Wuhong Wang*, Fuguo Hou, Huachun Tan, Heiner Bubb

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This paper presents a framework for ecological function allocations and optimization matching solutions for a human-machine interface with intelligent characteristics by “who does what, when and how” consideration. As a highlighted example in nature-social system, intelligent transportation system has been playing increasingly role in keeping traffic safety, our research is concerned with identifying human factors problem of In-vehicle Support Systems (ISSs) and revealing the consequence of the effects of ISSs on driver cognitive interface. The primary objective is to explore some new ergonomics principals that will be able to use to design an intelligent driver interface for comfort and safety, which will address the impact of driver interfaces layouts, traffic information types, and driving behavioral factors on the intelligent vehicles safety design.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)531-541
Number of pages11
JournalInternational Journal of Computational Intelligence Systems
Issue number5
Publication statusPublished - Oct 2010


  • Driver cognitive interface
  • Function allocation
  • Human-machine system
  • In-vehicle support system


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