A dual-beam lens-free slot-array antenna coupled high-Tc superconducting fundamental mixer at the W-band

Xiang Gao*, Ting Zhang*, Jia Du, Jianping An, Xiangyuan Bu, Jay Guo

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1 Citation (Scopus)


This paper presents a W-band high-Tc superconducting (HTS) Josephson-junction fundamental mixer which is coupled using a dual-beam lens-free slot-array antenna. The antenna features a uniplanar six-element slot array fed by an ungrounded coplanar waveguide line, of which each element is a long slot loaded by four rectangular loops. Highly directional radiation is therefore realized by utilizing the long slots and array synthesis to form a relatively large antenna aperture. The antenna also enables asymmetric dual-beam radiation in opposite directions, which not only reduces the RF coupling losses but greatly facilitates the quasi-optics design for the integration of the HTS mixer into a cryocooler. The electromagnetic simulations show that a coupling efficiency as high as -2.2 dB, a realized gain of 13 dB and a front-to-back ratio of 10 dB are achieved at the frequency of 84 GHz. Using this on-chip antenna, a W-band HTS fundamental mixer module is experimentally developed and characterized for different operating temperatures. The measured conversion gain is -10 dB at 20 K and -14.6 dB at 40 K, respectively. The mixer noise temperature is predicted to be around 780 K at 20 K and 1600 K at 40 K, respectively. It is also analyzed that the mixer performance can be further improved if the Josephson junction parameters were optimized.

Original languageEnglish
Article number125006
JournalSuperconductor Science and Technology
Issue number12
Publication statusPublished - Dec 2021


  • Asymmetric dual beam
  • High-Tc superconducting Josephson junction
  • Millimeter-wave communication
  • Slot-array antenna
  • W-band fundamental receiver


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