A combined criteria-based method for hypersonic three-dimensional boundary layer transition prediction

Ling Zhou, Rui Zhao*, Renfu Li

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In this paper, a new method for predicting hypersonic three-dimensional (3D) boundary layer transition is developed. It is based on the Reθ/Me criterion for streamwise instability and on the Recf,new criterion for crossflow instability. An intermittency function is also formulated and applied to combine laminar and turbulent flows. Additionally, a computational grid pretreating method, compatible with modern computational fluid dynamics (CFD) techniques based on parallel execution is adopted in order to obtain the boundary layer parameters. Four criteria are compared to define the boundary layer edge. A HIFiRE-5 elliptic cone at different Reynolds numbers is adopted to validate the performance of the criteria-based transition model and the effectiveness of the four criteria for boundary layer edge definition. The results show that the boundary layer edge of complex hypersonic 3D flows could be obtained properly with the computational grid pretreating method and the combination of h0/h0,∞=0.995 and (du/dH)/(du/dH)w=0.1 criteria. Moreover, the computed Reθ/Me and Recf,new distributions in the region between the leading edge and the centerline are similar to the N-factor for streamwise and crossflow instabilities from linear parabolized stability equation (PSE) methods. The shape and trend of the transition onsets predicted by the criteria-based transition model between the centerline and leading edge of HIFiRE-5 agree well with the experiment. However, as for the transition on the centerline, which is dominated by the inflection point in streamwise velocity profiles, using the criteria-based transition model related to boundary layer thickness would predict the transition onset prematurely.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)105-117
Number of pages13
JournalAerospace Science and Technology
Publication statusPublished - Feb 2018


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Zhou, L., Zhao, R., & Li, R. (2018). A combined criteria-based method for hypersonic three-dimensional boundary layer transition prediction. Aerospace Science and Technology, 73, 105-117. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ast.2017.12.002