
Translated title of the contribution: Simulation and Experimental Analysis of Interior Ballistics of Deflagration Pulse Rocket

Dian Guan, Shi Peng Li*, Yong Sheng Li, Ya Wen Guo

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In order to study the lightweight and compact impulse solid rocket motor,a new integrated impulse-rocket solution was proposed,which uses the ball powder with micropores as the energy material and builds the high-pressure internal ballistic by inducing convective deflagration of grain. By analyzing grain density,grain length,ignition charge,and diaphragm form,the deflagration induction conditions of the ball powder with micropores were obtained in the rocket with a large throat-to-burning surface ratio. Based on the deflagration characteristics of the ball powder with micropores,the trajectory and flow field characteristics of the new integrated impulse rocket were both demonstrated. The results show that the grain length,the grain density,and the amount of ignition charge all have a significant effect on the appearance of the deflagration,the longer grain length,the smaller grain density and the larger amount of ignition charge are beneficial to inducing convective deflagration. In the chamber of the rocket,the dependence of the micropore ball powder’burning rate on local static pressure over a useful range of pressures is governed by segmented exponential burning rate. It is preliminarily demonstrated that the possibility of high-pressure operation of the new impulse-rocket.

Translated title of the contributionSimulation and Experimental Analysis of Interior Ballistics of Deflagration Pulse Rocket
Original languageChinese (Traditional)
Article number210232
JournalTuijin Jishu/Journal of Propulsion Technology
Issue number8
Publication statusPublished - Aug 2022


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Guan, D., Li, S. P., Li, Y. S., & Guo, Y. W. (2022). 爆燃脉冲发动机内弹道模拟及实验分析. Tuijin Jishu/Journal of Propulsion Technology, 43(8), Article 210232. https://doi.org/10.13675/j.cnki.tjjs.210232